
Seoul, South Korea II Poopoo Land

Day 2 starting strong with a 7/11 Korean breakfast

Spent the morning at a place literally called Poopoo Land and it was so much fun. Much like the name suggests it is a poop themed amusement space. 

After Poopoo Land we went to the Running Man Challenge and boy did I get SWEATY.

There was a pretty light maze at the end of the running man exhibit that I think was my favourite part.

Actually this part was. It was like a huge sensory maze and it was so much fun. This ended in a light up ball pit

My absolute favourite in the best flavour

At night we visited the Hongdae region for some bar hopping adventures.

This area is packed with the coolest themed bars, its so hard to choose where to go!

At the end of the night we ended up at this amazing underground bar that was all you could drink and we were basically the only people there. The whole bar was filled with games including poker and we literally spent the whole night playing poker with Americans.

This was the entrance to the best bar we visited in Seoul.


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