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London in film

Here are a collection of film camera photos that haven't been previously posted to my blog. They are from the whole year and show the places I stayed and the people I met along the way. 
This was my room above the bar in Oxshott. I loved having a windowsill, I would always sit on it and read. During my month working at that bar I read through the whole Hunger Games series, favourite series of books.

This is Lewis and Dom, two of my fellow staff at the Bear.

This is my favourite girl in all of London. My best friend, sister and lifesaver. Georgia <3

My favourite coffee shop that G introduced me to, Milkbar in Soho London.

The barclays bikes at Waterloo

Perusing famous Comic book stores

Eating strawberries at Camden Markets

Sneaky photos of the markets, they are very uptight about photos. 

The sunny day I spent with Lewis and Georgia at Camden Lock

Watermelon lunch at Camden Lock

The worst place I have ever lived, Walthamstow London. In this house I killed 2 mice. 

This is the main street in Walthamstow. The best thing about this place was the Polish food shop.

The sad day Milkbar closed down for renovations.

G taking me out clubbing at Tiger Tiger near where she lived in South Croydon. This place is a chain of clubs but I still can't get over how many rooms it had, and each room was a completely different theme and style of music. My favourite was the 70's room that had a disco floor and girls on rollerblades wearing leotards and dancing. 

Lewis and I .vs. Public Transport

Visiting my cousin with Lewis in Fulham Broadway. The day I bought a hamster.

Camden truly is the most spectacular place on earth. 

Weekly catch ups with G at Camden Lock, most of these turned into strange drunken adventures. 

I miss this place so much.

Home cooked pirogi (polish pasta) with Lewis. We 'borrowed' some cooking utensils and ended up getting told off because what I though was shared actually belonged to the disgusting roomates. It really sucked not being able to cook, at least when the housemates were home. 

Lewis' place, where I lived for a couple of weeks before flying to Poland

Saying goodbyes before we both went off travelling. 

This is Warsaw "Old Town". These few photos were taken on the last days in Poland.

French cafes in Poland were lovely

My Grandma <3

Being played music in a typical Polish Restaurant on our last night in Poland with the whole family. 

Mum's best friend from High school Kasia. I have known her daughters Ewa and Ola since I was a baby, they are practically my cousins. We hung out all together a lot in Poland and every time Kasia and my mum always dressed similiar, Ewa and I would always comment how much they looked like sisters.

Sad farewells at the airport. 

Tower of London with Mum

High tea with my cousin Jessica and Mum at Fortnum and Mason

Mum and me being sooks and crying at the airport when she left me

The street of my next apartment that I moved into a week before Paris

Musee d'Orsay

The line for the museum

The famous clock at the museum

The crowd at Bon Iver and below are the two lovely girls I met that night..



Heaps tight parking on the streets of Paris

My favourite statue/ monument/ icon in the world, the Eiffel Tower

These are my only photos with the Eiffel Tower because I never give out my big camera (my baby) to strangers 

I wanted to take lots of portraits of people with my film camera. This is Nima at the Pompidou Center

Bad lighting in Quentin's photo

Roaming the streets of Paris at night


Just a random we were drinking with that night

One of the only photos I got with the 2 American bandits I met in Paris. These guys were the best, so happy to have had met them and really hope to be able to visit them one day. 

Awkward photos of awkward moments in awkward places doing awkward faces

The hotel room I upgraded to with the boys

Sarah at Montmarte, the most beautiful place in the world (that I have seen so far)

The hotel room I ended up staying in with Nima and Quentin

The last day where Nima and I lost Quentin and went to the Louvre 

My favourite, "Winged Victory"

We sat and stared at this painting for so long, staring at this one girl who was the only one in the image breaking the 4th wall.

Goodbye Paris

I was working on the men's floor at GAP

I am so happy I was able to go travelling with Georgia whilst I was still in London even if it was somewhere not that far away.

Yolanda my best friend from home is obsessed with owls so whenever I saw them I would take photos of them, so here's a couple of photos of this guys huge unfinished owl tattoo.

Ever seen the Mighty Boosh? These guys didn't actually know eachother but I needed a photo of them together. 
What is even more ridiculous is that this guy had a hat as well which I am wearing underneath.

G and I kicking it old school in Brighton

Brighton in the mornings, hungover.

The night I met Matt Corby

Henry, one of Corby's mates who was such a great guy

The man of the hour. I was trying to take lots of portrait photos of people I met in London, never thought Corby would be one of them.

Georgia's perfect British backyard

Family BBQ at G's house, met her dad that day.

Playing backgammon and losing to mosquitoes. 

I went to the BBQ straight after work and felt pretty awful but we still went out that night in South Croydon. You know those nights where you go out and no matter what you wear you just feel uncomfortable, it was one of those. So I just embraced it and wore the most ridiculous outfit I could. I felt like Minnie Mouse all night, we put on accents and had a marvellous time. 

One of Georgia's friends, he has a tattoo of a seahorse

Free lifts home for G and her sore little feet

That time we were drinking in Camden and ended up at a fetish night in some club

There was whipping and exposed breasts and lots and lots of lycra

One of the greatest shows I have ever seen on Broadway

Being a siamese cat in China town with Dan

The great hall in the Harry Potter Studio in London

Being muppets playing knock and run at 4 Privet Drive with Yeliz

"Get in bitch, we're going shopping."

I really miss the tube

That night we found a circus at Waterloo

And at this circus was a giant swing and I literally just realised today that this is the photo I took of Dan and I on the Giant swing. It was the most amazing ride, freezing cold but you got to see all of London at night from above so it was definitely worth it.

Dan remembers this

My two best friends who I miss an awful amount

The jacket Dan made and gave to me

Tourist day with Dan

I climbed the London Monument with my cousin. If you have climbed this before I salute you. That is a horrible amount of steps.

My girl

Another favourite place in London, overlooking Big Ben

Hungover in Brixton

I spent my last day in London at London Fashion Weekend with Dan.

And this is the last film photo I took in London.

I am currently writing a review on my London trip. It is taking me a while and is hard to write but stay tuned, it will be up sometime next week. 

With love from E

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