

This whole HSC thing has been a big negative on the fitness/weight department. 
So starting today I have made some healthy changes that I can incorporate into my study.

  • Eat lots of fruit, especially in the morning before study
  • When I wake up do the 8min ab workout 
  • Drink lots of water, at least 4 bottles of pump. 
  • Drink a whole glass of water as soon as i get up
  • Study break 1 - relax 
  • Study break 2 - near lunch so go for a walk around block with dogs
  • Study break 3 - relax
  • Afternoon study session - when dad is finished work use the treadmill in his office and read essays blue tacked to the wall while jogging
  • Lunch: Coffee, some fruit, 2 of those healthy cracker things which I have forgotten the name of with low fat goat cheese on top and tomato and herbs
  • At some point in the day when I get sick of sitting and studying do the 8min buns workout, its actually really hard but at least my "buns" will be nice for summer
  • Eat "dinner" before 6 by either eating a bit more at lunch or by eating something around 5. I feel dinner is the most pointless meal. In Poland they have a large breakfast of the most amazing non greasy, healthy food and then at lunch they have their dinner. I usually don't ever eat breakfast but I like breakfast so I am going to cut down on dinner from now on. Give my stomach a break at night.
  • Drink a full glass of water before bed.
  • Aim to get to bed before 10pm because otherwise I am going to be screwed for exams next week with my current sleeping pattern.

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